Call for candidates for the 10th edition of PER by PWN Award
The PER by PWN is a responsible and sustainable business award which has rewarded women who have committed to changing the world by placing social, societal and environmental responsibility at the heart of their strategy.
Under the patronage of Marlène Schiappa, Secretary of State responsible for Equality between Women and Men, the Prize will be awarded on October 13th, 2020. The award a ceremony will be held at the premises of our partner BPI France in the presence of Isabelle Bébéar, Director of International Affairs.
At a time when the climate emergency is no longer something that needs to be proven, when new technologies have a profound impact on the society and our relationship with the world, where changes in the world of work are a reality, women, more than ever, have a role to play to build a new economic balance. We are deeply convinced that by supporting, giving visibility and assistance to entrepreneurs involved in projects with a strong environmental and societal impact, we can contribute positively to the world of tomorrow.
It is for this reason that, with the strength of the PWN network, regardless of current hot trends, we have been rewarding women who are committed to changing the world for the last 10 years.
The Award winner receives 80 hours of personalized coaching by our network experts (legal, financial, fundraising, commercial, marketing, coaching…) and a one-year membership in PWN Paris. She also benefits from visibility throughout the year.
The PER Award is addressed to women, founders or co-founders of a company with a social, societal or environmental impact which is no older 5 years, registered in France or bringing in more than 50% of turnover on the French territory.
You can apply on the site:
You have until midnight July 10th, 2020 to deposit your application on Google Drive with sharing at the following address:
This event is supported by several partners including: BPI France, GE Renewable Energy, Essec Club Génération #Startuppeuse, Les Echos Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship 93…
Laurence Constant (Responsable PER by PWN 2020)
Marie-Laure Barrau (VP SHARE PWN)
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