PWN Paris becomes the 1st inclusive network in France
The PWN Paris 2019 congress has just ended, an intense day around the theme of the talents and professions of tomorrow. We had the pleasure of welcoming high-quality speakers who shared their passion and expertise. Thank you all for this exceptional day sponsored by Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Secretary of State to the Minister of the Economy and Finance, Marie-Pierre Rixain, Member of Parliament for Essonne and President of the National Assembly's delegation for women's rights and equal opportunities between men and women, and supported by Salwa Toko, President of the National Digital Council.
Françoise Derolez and Cécile Bernheim, Co-Presidents, announced the opening of the network to male executives and managers who wish to take concrete action to promote gender balance in the economic world.
After 23 years of existence, the Professional Women's Network Paris, until now exclusively reserved for women, is opening its membership to men, ambassadors of gender equality and parity. This initiative is motivated by the belief that gender balance in organizations is a factor of innovation and competitiveness for the development and performance of companies, because gender issues are everyone's business, and finally because our ambition is to work towards a more just and balanced society. We believe it is essential to involve men in our approach.
Olivier Mousson, President of the Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale, is the first male member of the Professional Women's Network.
Thank you for your attention and support on this initiative because it is together that we are building the society of tomorrow.
Françoise Derolez & Cécile Bernheim
PWN Paris Co-Presidents
Article Challenges : Ce réseau féminin innove en ouvrant son adhésion aux hommes
Article ELLE : Le réseau féminin PWN Paris s’ouvre aux hommes : 3 questions à la co-présidente Cécile Bernheim
Article Maddyness : PWN, le réseau jusqu’ici exclusivement féminin, s’ouvre aux hommes
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