How Can I Be a more Inclusive Leader?
Inclusive leadership appears as the unique capability to help manage and adapt to diverse clients, markets, ideas, and of course talent. It requires demonstrating additional traits beyond the traditional leadership skillset. The benefits are a proven increase in human performance: Team members develop a feeling of belonging, collaborate in a more effective manner, and individual differences are leveraged into a competitive advantage.
Where does each us of stand on this issue? What hurdles may hold us back? Are we open to learn from the other, to develop empathy and include different perspectives?
This is PWN participants explored on November 5th last, in a workshop facilitated in English by Romaine Johnstone (#Develop) and Sylvie Tournier (#International Hub/#Share). This event was open to anyone interested in the topic, French or foreign nationals alike, PWN members working at the domestic or international level or having had international work experiences
The workshop participants were invited to reflect on where they stood in terms of their own inclusive leadership. To further develop their competence, they realized that, as leaders, they needed to face and manage their own unconscious biases, a common – and major - hurdle to inclusiveness. They continued their exploration of the topic with a personal introspection into their own inner world and observed with an open mind, where the “borders” of their own territory were placed and who was welcome, who was not quite so welcome.
Based on their journey during the workshop, participants then decided what they would like to keep of their usual behavior and what they are ready to change to further embrace diversity. And build that muscle of inclusive leadership. And what is it for you? What personal action plan are you ready to commit to ?
A PWN Paris workshop co-promoted by #Develop and #International Hub, co-facilitated by Romaine Johnstone, ORSC and PCC Coach, and Sylvie Tournier, Cultural Agility Developer and China Specialist, on November 5, 2020.
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